"An examination will be held to consider the soundness of the OPDC Local Plan.
"The Secretary of State has appointed an independent Inspector, Mr Paul Clark MA MRTPI MCMI to conduct the Examination.
Programme Officer Role
"I have been appointed as the independent Programme Officer working under the Inspector’s direction.
"The Programme Officer is responsible for managing the day to day arrangements of the examination process before and during the period of the examination, recording all documents submitted, arranging for the inspection of sites by the Inspector and dealing with correspondence on his behalf to those have made representations, including requests for and exchange of all statements.
"This will include any communication or correspondence between the Inspector and the Corporation.
"For more guidance on the examination procedure and my role, The Planning Inspectorate has produced a booklet ‘Examining Local Plans Procedural Practice’. A copy of this document is available for viewing or downloads on the Planning Inspectorate' s Planning Portal web site:
Hearing Dates and next steps
"The examination hearings will commence at
10am on Tuesday 2nd April 2019
London Council's, 59½ Southwark St, London SE1 0AL
"The Inspector has published Draft Matters, Issues and Questions (ID-04) plus an Advice Note (ID-05) for participating in the hearings including the procedure for submitting written hearing statements. I have also published a draft hearing programme (ID-07), with details of what matter will be heard on which days.
"It is important to note that, as per the Inspectors Advice Note (ID-05), the Programme is subject to change.
"It would [have been] helpful if people could contact me by 5.30pm Monday 18th February 2019 to advise if they wish to participate as per the Inspectors Advice note (ID-05). A simple email advising you wish to participate, who you are, who you represent (a representor ID would be helpful) and what your issues are, as per your original representation, in relation to the Inspectors draft Matters, Issues and Questions.
"There will be a further opportunity to advise specifically where you wish to participate once the programme has been finalised. At this stage, it is to give the Inspector and idea of how many participants we may have. All Electronic and Hard Copies of any written Statements need to be received by myself no later than the below for each week:
Week 1 Hearing Statements:
5.30pm Monday 25th February 2019
Week 2 Hearing Statements:
5.30pm Friday 1st March 2019
Week 3 Hearing Statements:
5.30pm Friday 8th March 2019
Examination Updates and Documents
"Please find attached relevant documents:
ID-04- Inspectors draft Matters and Issues
ID-05 Hearing Advice Note
ID-07 Draft Programme
All pertinent updates are published on the examination webpage:
Check here for details of the examination programme and any new documents submitted to the Inspector.
"A full set of paper examination documents will be made available on request at OPDC Offices, 169 Union Street, London SE1 0LL. If you require any assistance accessing documents relating to the Local Plan, please contact me.
"Email is the preferred method of communication; it's cost-effective, traceable and an accepted method for formal communication. Should you wish to be added to our list for examination updates please contact us at bankssolutionsuk@gmail.com with your preferred email address.
"My usual working hours are between 9am and 5pm but happy to deal with a reasonable level of queries outside of those times, I understand some people may not have the opportunity to contact me during work hours."
Charlotte Glancy
Programme Officer
OPDC Submitted documents |