
Evening Standard: London HS2 mega-hub at Old Oak Common 'will be world-class'

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"One of the capital's leading architects claimed today that a west London 'mega-hub' for high-speed rail will rival the world's greatest stations.

"Sir Terry Farrell said his proposed Old Oak Common interchange, near Wormwood Scrubs, will be able to compete with stations such as St Pancras and China's huge Beijing South in China - which he also designed.

"Hammersmith and Fulham council has recruited the architect to design the Park Royal City project, which will include the Old Oak interchange. Sir Terry's vision also features shops, flats overlooking a canal and a monorail to nearby business centres."

Link to Evening Standard
"Euston calling with HS2"

"For sure, the disruption at Euston to traffic and trade caused by HS2 will be immense, but nothing close to the scale of the horrors 180 years ago.

"First to go as Euston spreads westward will be the grim Network Rail concrete boxes, the Ibis and Cottage hotels, and (sadly) the dear old Bree Louise pub.

"With ten new dedicated HS2 platforms for the new generation of 400m long, 1,100-seater, 225mph monster trains - some supposedly double-decker - piecemeal expansion is impossible, and instead Euston will be transformed into a 24-platform mega-station."

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