
LB of Kensington & Chelsea: "Issues and Options Paper for Kensal"

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Kensal Gasworks Strategic Site - Issues and Options Consultation

An Issues and Options consultation containing our early thoughts on the possible development opportunities for the Kensal Gasworks Strategic Site has been issued for public consultation. 

This paper looks at three options for the sort place that might be created in Kensal in the future. These are only indicative of the kind of development that might come forward but looks at the possible number of new homes and jobs and the facilities that could be provided on the site.

The Consultation period is between Tuesday 12 June 2012 and Tuesday 24 July 2012. The paper is available for comment below, together with the Regeneris reports into the possible regeneration and economic benefits that would be realised through a Crossrail station in North Kensington.
For more on the Council’s case for Crossrail and information about how you can lend your support, please visit www.rbkc.gov.uk/crossrail.

A Sustainability Appraisal (SEA/SA) was prepared for the Core Strategy in October 2009. The Kensal Strategic Site was appraised in this report which is available here:

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