
totalpolitics: "Why Heathrow expansion and Boris Island don't work"

"Adding capacity at Heathrow or building a new estuary airport would be a step in the wrong direction for the UK - and this should be the basis of government debate, argues Green Party AM Jenny Jones"

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"In 2010, the government promised no third runway at Heathrow. It was a clear and authoritative statement.

"But since then the government’s united front has faltered and their confused direction on aviation has made the airline industry restless.

"Powerful chief executives have taken this opportunity to plunge into the debate, and throw their weight behind arguments about where expansion is needed to increase capacity in the south east.

"We now have a debate dominated by an ‘either, or’ scenario – either a third runway or ‘Boris Island.’ As an advocate of the Estuary Airport, architect Lord Foster has now suggested that the £33bn construction costs will be paid for by a combination of landing charges and the closure and redevelopment of Heathrow."

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