
The Guardian: "Earls Court: Boris, Greenhalgh and the police"

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"The possibility of Stephen Greenhalgh, the man Boris Johnson chose to head his office for policing and crime becoming the subject of a police investigation has, unsurprisingly, attracted lots of media attention. ITV and BBC News in London covered the story and even the Boris-loving Evening Standard reported it after I broke the news on Monday night (he wrote, casually) that the Greater London Authority had referred a complaint about Greenhalgh to the Independent Police Complaints Commission.

"So, what will happen next? And what, exactly, is the complaint about?

"To briefly answer the second question first, the complaint is that during the time when Greenhalgh led the Tory flagship borough of Hammersmith and Fulham, council officers (and others) promised certain residents of two housing estates preferential treatment in the allocation of new, replacement homes nearby if they supported the demolition of their existing ones as part of a large, proposed redevelopment scheme known as the Earls Court project."

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