
Questions to the World King, Boris Johnson

Mayor answers to London

Light Rail at Old Oak Common

Question number0950/2013
Meeting date20/03/2013

Question by Andrew Boff

Will you support London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham and Sir Terry Farrell’s proposal for light-rail (DLR) at Old Oak Common.

Answer by Boris Johnson

When I outlined my support for investing in a high speed rail network for the UK it was conditional upon a number of issues being adequately addressed. This included integrating the HS2 station at Old Oak Common with the rest of London’s transport network and it being planned to support the redevelopment of the surrounding area.

Whilst early HS2 designs include proposals for connections to Crossrail and the Great West Main Line, they do not include a connection to the Overground network, which is essential for connecting this new transport hub and major development zone to the rest of southwest and northwest London.

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