
LB of Hammersmith & Fulham: "Old Oak Common: Opportunity Area Planning Framework"

"In January 2012 the Government announced its decision to proceed with proposals for High Speed 2 rail service, connecting London to Birmingham, Manchester and Leeds via a new 250mph rail line.

The proposals include a station at Old Oak Common in the north of the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham, which may be known as Park Royal City International.

As well as providing a connection to High Speed 2, the station will be connected to Crossrail and the Great Western Main Line.

This will make Park Royal City one of the nations best connected locations, under 40 minutes from Birmingham, 1¼ hours from Manchester, 2¼ hours from Paris and 10 minutes from Heathrow and the West End.

As a consequence, the station, in attracting both international and domestic passengers, is anticipated to be one of the UK’s top 5 stations in terms of usage.

In recognition of the areas potential for regeneration off the back of the High Speed 2 proposals, the Greater London Authority has designated the area as an Opportunity Area, which identifies the area as having substantial capacity for new homes and jobs.

Hammersmith and Fulham, along with the Greater London Authority, Transport for London, Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea and London Boroughs of Brent and Ealing have started to produce an Opportunity Area Planning Framework for the area, which will provide planning guidance for the future development of the area.

The Opportunity Areas core development area stretches from North Acton to the west, to Wormwood Scrubs to the south, to Kensal Gasworks to the east and to Willesden Junction to the north.

Early work on this planning framework has shown that with a coordinated approach to the design of Park Royal City International station, the area has the potential to accommodate 19,000 homes and 100,000 jobs, phased over a 30 year period, unlocking over £50 billion of gross value added to the UK economy.

This would make Park Royal City London’s biggest Opportunity Area in terms of its capacity for development and potential regeneration benefits.
The council plans to consult on this emerging framework later in the year, which will be made available to view and comment on."

"... As part of this work, consideration is being given to future delivery vehicles for regeneration of the area and a 'Mayoral Development Corporation' is one option under consideration.

The Opportunity Area Planning Framework has been circulated to a small number of parties, to fact-check the information included within it, before a public consultation."


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