
Thames Reach Airport: the latest web site

Link to web site

"The Thames Estuary at Hoo peninsular offers the space for a future international hub:
  • Sufficiently far away from built-up residential areas for 24h operation
  • Sufficiently close to large number of existing rail and road transport corridors
  • Level brown field and flood risk land
  • Surveyed by English Heritage."

Wider infrastructures

"The core proposals will be complemented by a number of related infrastructure initiatives, leveraging the core Thames Reach Airport proposals:
  • 'Eastern spine' – upgraded East coast mainline via LTX to Channel tunnel to form part of a national single homogeneous network with gauge and electrification for continuous through services – see Why AirRailHub
  • New rail services linking Essex and Kent
  • Stansted to Ebbsfleet (HS1) rail service.

  • Flood defence for London
  • Tidal power generation with pump storage
  • Dartford crossing relieve
  • Ancillary Housing development
  • Eco data centre – Powered and cooled by water
  • Utility way leaves via LTX – Water, Power, Data
  • Relocation of bird sanctuary."

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