
Until 11 July: "High Speed Two Consultation"

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"This consultation seeks your views on the proposals for refinement of the published HS2 route between London and the West Midlands which the Secretary of State for Transport intends to incorporate into the design of the route.

"Plans of the route will form a key element of the hybrid bill that will be put before Parliament by the end of 2013. Before taking a final decision he is seeking the public’s views on the proposals.

The website enables visitors to submit their responses to a series of consultation questions on these proposals. Within this response form please provide views and comments on the 'HS2 London-West Midlands Design Refinement Consultation' only. 

"A separate consultation is being conducted on the draft Environmental Statement and draft Code of Construction Practice. There are separate response mechanisms for this consultation.

"The consultation closes on 11 July 2013, and the website will be open for receiving comments until the closing date."

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