
HS2 Growth Taskforce: "A report to government on maximising the benefits of HS2"

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"This report sets out the main challenges the High Speed 2 (HS2) Growth Taskforce can see in maximising the benefits from HS2, and their recommendations on what should be done to address these.

"They set out a range of challenges for the government, local authorities, HS2 Ltd and UK businesses and workers; all of which stand to benefit from HS2.

"The HS2 Growth Taskforce was created in summer 2013 to advise the government on how to maximise the return from the investment in HS2. Members draw on their collective knowledge and experience in business, the public sector and academia, and their direct involvement in major infrastructure projects around the world.

"This report is also based on the evidence they gathered through engagements over the last 6 months in:
  • Birmingham
  • Manchester
  • Loughborough
  • Sheffield
  • Leeds
  • Liverpool
  • London."

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