
Place West London: "Big change for Park Royal?"

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"An MDC was last used to ensure the delivery of the 2012 Olympic facilities. [No, it wasn't.] It takes over the planning powers from the local authority, and gives the Mayor of London direct control of land planning, development and investment.

This would be a big change for Park Royal, which has suffered over the years by being across the boundaries of three local authorities – Hammersmith & Fulham, Brent, and Ealing. With no single authority in control, there has been a lack of joined-up planning, which, combined with the fragmented land ownership picture, has led to Park Royal remaining a bit of a hotch-potch.

The Mayor recently outlined proposals to turn the area of Old Oak – where HS2 and Crossrail would meet in a new interchange the size of Waterloo Station - into a new district with up to 24,000 new homes and more than 55,000 jobs. He has said he intends to create a new Mayoral Development Corporation (MDC) to unlock what he sees as the enormous regeneration potential of 950 hectares of industrial land at Old Oak Common and Park Royal."

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