
Looks like we won't be seeing any segregated cycle lanes in Barnet's Brent Cross development.

 "Can you read this, children?
It's a bit small, isn't it!
What can we do about that?
Yes, we can MAGNIFY it. Well done!

George - don't do that.
Because it isn't nice.

Now, children, I want you all to say 'Good morning' to Mrs Hingle.
Good morning, Mrs Hingle.
No, Sidney, not good-bye. Mrs Hingle has only just come.
You don't want her to go away yet.
No, she hasn't got a funny hat on, that's her hair.

Susan! We never bite our friends.
Say you are sorry to Sidney.
You needn't kiss him.
No, you needn't hug him.

Let's just click on the £$%&@# image above, shall we?"

(Ladybird Books: 'The Story of the Bicycle' book from 1975)

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