
Wed 1 April: Old Oak and Park Royal Development Corporation: Meeting of the Board (and we ain't sayin' who they are)

"The inaugural meeting of the Board of the Old Oak and Park Royal Development Corporation will be held on Wednesday 1 April 2015, at 2.00pm in Committee Room 5, City Hall, London SE1 2AA. The meeting papers are shown below. [Except we are not saying who is actually on the board, until a press release at 9am on 1 April.]

"This first meeting of the Board will be an Extraordinary Meeting, in that the Board will receive the agenda and papers as urgent business. This is because the under applicable local government law, there is a requirement to give 5 days’ notice of the meeting; however, this is not possible in this instance, as the Corporation does not come in to formal legal existence until 1 April 2015.

"Agendas of business that will be discussed at a meeting and the reports on each topic for discussion (except any which contain confidential, personal or financial information) can generally be viewed on the website five days before the meeting.

"Meetings of the Board are open to the public; the public can obtain copies of the public papers, except for when confidential, personal or financial information matters are being discussed. These items will be marked on the agenda."

No expense spared there, eh?

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