
PlanningResource: "Stadium proposal included in Old Oak/Park Royal planning framework"

"A football stadium could form part of the regeneration of the Old Oak and Park Royal areas of west London, according to a draft planning strategy published by the Greater London Authority.

"In the foreword to the Opportunity Area Planning Framework (OAPF), London mayor Boris Johnson, says that the area will 'play perhaps the most crucial role of any regeneration area in London over the next 20 to 30 years in delivering much needed new homes and jobs.'

"The draft OAPF, he wrote, 'sets out a proactive strategy to capitalise on this step change in transport accessibility to redevelop Old Oak and regenerate Park Royal', adding that Old Oak will provide 24,000 homes and 55,000 jobs while the Park Royal industrial estate will 'continue to be protected and enhanced to provide an additional 1,500 homes and 10,000 jobs'.

"There are currently two rival development proposals for part of the Old Oak Common area.

"Football club Queens Park Rangers (QPR), which wants to build a 40,000-seat stadium, is locked in a battle with used-car dealership Cargiant, which owns some of the land the football club wants for the proposed venue.

"The draft strategy lists the 'potential for large-scale catalyst uses such as a new educational facility, football stadium, sports complex, health, arts, leisure or cultural centre' as one of six key objectives for Old Oak North.

"The Old Oak and Park Royal Development Corporation (OPDC) is due to come into existence on 1 April  2015 to spearhead the project.

"Old Oak and Park Royal are two of 38 Opportunity Areas identified in the capital's strategic planning document the London Plan.

"The GLA is consulting on the plans until 14 April. The draft document can be viewed here."

1 comment:

  1. I grew up near by i had very good moments in this park, some time when i pass by i just want to get back in the pass get my old house my life back.
    but the park get much better thanks London, but please do not take it away ...
