
Just Space: "Old Oak Common, Park Royal consultations"

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"The consultation about the draft Old Oak Common and Park Royal Opportunity Area Planning Framework (OAPF) closed on 14 April 2015.

"The London Tenants Federation (supported by a grant from the Trust for London) with members of Just Space have been assisting local communities in and around the OO&PR Opportunity Area who have come together to form the Grand Union Alliance (GUA). There have been a number of meetings of local groups and members of the public, including a Community Conference, which have generated the wide-ranging views and comments contained in the 'compendium'..

"This is substantially the product of local people – that is, apart from the editing process to collate the product into an orderly submission. The document is a faithful summation of their comments prompted by scrutiny of the OAPF draft. The GUA did not make a collective response to the draft Framework, but elements of the compendium and of a standard template were used by individual members and groups in their separate submissions."

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