
The OPDC: Towards a Local Plan

Development Plan 

The Development Plan forms the policy framework against which planning applications in the OPDC area will be assessed. The Development Plan consists of the following policy documents:

Local Plan

As a Local Planning Authority the OPDC has a duty to prepare a Local Plan that sets its strategy for development within its area and the policies that will be used to direct development and determine applications for planning permission across the entire OPDC area. The OPDC is currently in the process of producing the first draft of the Local Plan and plans to consult the public on this draft in Autumn 2015.

Local Authority Development Plans

Until the OPDC adopts its own Local Plan for the OPDC area, Local Authority Development Plans will apply to the areas that they cover (as illustrated in the above map). Links to the relevant Development Plan Document are provided below.

London Borough of Brent

London Borough of Ealing

London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham

Mayor’s London Plan

The London Plan is the overall strategic plan for London, and it sets out a fully integrated economic, environmental, transport and social framework for the development of the capital to 2036. It forms part of the development plan for the OPDC.

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