
OPDC Board and Committee meetings (and, oh yes, Boris Johnson MP resigns [two days early!] as OPDC Chairman, to spend more time with his constituency)

OPDC Board and Committee meetings are open to the public except for when confidential, personal or financial information matters are being discussed. [Or the meeting continues anyway. Pip! Pip!]

These items will be marked on the agenda. Members of the public can attend the public session of each Board and Committee meeting and obtain copies of the public papers.

Agendas of business that will be discussed at a meeting and the reports on each topic for discussion (except any which contain confidential, personal or financial information) can generally be viewed on the website five days before the meeting. Minutes of the decisions taken at the meeting will also be available on the website once they have been agreed.

Members of the public can also inspect background papers relating to a report.

Committee Meetings are currently held at City Hall, unless otherwise indicated on the agenda.

There is access for people with disabilities.

Board meetings

Future Board meeting dates for 2015 are as follows and will take place in City Hall:

  • Monday 18 May, Committee Room 2, 16:30
  • Thursday 25 June, Committee Room 2, 15:00
  • Tuesday 28 July, Committee Room 4, 14:00
  • Tuesday 15 September, Committee Room 3, 15:00
  • Thursday 26 November, Committee Room 3, 15:00
  • Monday 25 January, Committee Room 4, 15:00
  • Tuesday 8 March, Committee Room 1, 14:00
For more information about the next meeting of the Board and Board papers, please visit here.

Read more about our board.

Planning Committee

The OPDC Board has established a Planning Committee to ensure that decisions on planning applications are made in an open, transparent and impartial manner.

The Planning Committee will either make the decisions on the applications submitted to the OPDC or delegate decisions to Officers of the OPDC’s Planning Team.

The interim Chair of the Planning Committee is William McKee. Members of the Planning Committee are in the process of being appointed and will be announced in advance of the first meeting of the Planning Committee.

Future Planning Committee meeting dates for 2015 are as follows and will take place in City Hall:

  • Thursday 21 May, Committee Room 4&5, 18:00 - 21:00
  • Wednesday 17 June, Committee Room 5, 18:00 - 21:00
  • Wednesday 15 July, Committee Room 4, 18:00 - 21:00
  • Wednesday 2 September, Committee Room 4, 18:00 - 21:00
  • Thursday 17 September, Committee Room 5, 18:00 - 21:00
  • Wednesday 21 October, Committee Room 3, 18:00 - 21:00
  • Tuesday 17 November, Committee Room 4, 18:00 - 21:00
  • Thursday 17 December, Committee Room 4&5, 18:00 - 21:00
More information about the next meeting of the Planning Committee, including the agenda when it becomes available, can be found here. [If the link existed.]


We are committed to being open and transparent about our decision making and the money we spend to meet our objectives and commitments.

On the Transparency page, you will find links to information about our accounts as well as details of senior staff salaries, expenses, gifts and hospitality and our register of interests.
Transparency information will be available in due course.

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