
Old Oak and Park Royal Development Corporation: Consultations

"Consultation with local stakeholders is central to the activities of the OPDC.

"If you or a group you represent would like to be added to our contacts database please send your contact details to:

"This will enable us to keep you up to date with events and consultations relating to planning activities."

Current consultations

OPDC Local Plan Integrated Impact Assessment Scoping Report
"OPDC is consulting on the Integrated Impact Assessment (IIA) Scoping Report for the forthcoming OPDC Local Plan. The Scoping Report consultation represents the initial stage in the IIA process for the Local Plan and sets the scope for the remainder of the process. The IIA includes the combined Sustainability Appraisal and Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA), alongside the Health Impact Assessment, Equalities Impact Assessment and Habitats Regulations Assessment.

"The IIA Scoping Report is now out for consultation and available for download by clicking the below link:
OPDC Local Plan IIA Scoping Report

"In accordance with regulation 12(5) of the SEA Regulations, this Scoping Report will be consulted upon for a five week period with the statutory SEA bodies, these are:
  • Natural England;
  • Historic England; and
  • The Environment Agency
"OPDC is also seeking comments on the Scoping Report from the public and other stakeholders.

"Hard copies will also be made available by contacting the address below.
Please note all comments, suggestions and responses should reach us by 5pm 9 October 2015 and be sent by email to info@opdc.london.gov.uk or by letter to:
Local Plan IIA Scoping Report Consultation
Old Oak and Park Royal Development Corporation
City Hall, The Queen's Walk, London SE1 2AA"

Draft OPDC Statement of Community Involvment (SCI)
"OPDC, as the Local Planning Authority, has drafted a Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) which sets out how stakeholders will be involved in the planning process.

"The draft Statement of Community Involvement is now out for consultation, the document, along with a quick guide, can be downloaded by clicking the links below :

Draft Quick Guide to Engagement OPDC

"Hard copies will also be made available by contacting the address below.
Please note all comments, suggestions and responses should reach us by 5pm Wednesday 14 October 2015 and be sent by email to info@opdc.london.gov.uk or by letter to:
FAO: Senior Engagement Officer (SCI)
Old Oak and Park Royal Development Corporation
City Hall, The Queen’s Walk, London SE1 2AA"

Previous consultations
"The Greater London Authority had consulted on the draft Old Oak & Park Royal Opportunity Area Planning Framework. The consultation took place on 28 February and ended on 14 April 2015.

"OPDC previously consulted on an application to designate Harlesden Neighbourhood Area and the Harlesden Neighbourhood Forum. The consultation took place from 13 July to 25 August 2015."

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