
The Guardian: " 'A tortured heap of towers': the London skyline of tomorrow"

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" 'The last piece in the jigsaw' is how architect Eric Parry described his design for 1 Undershaft, the tallest building in the City of London, when it was unveiled this week. It will crown the planned 'cluster' of towers, standing right between the Cheesegrater and the Gherkin. But it's far from the final piece – in fact, it's only the beginning of another building boom.

"In an anonymous basement a few streets from the 1 Undershaft site stands a chessboard showing the City of London's future skyline. The Perspex peaks cluttering this planning office model glow greenish-grey, like a malevolent crystal formation from the planet Krypton.

"Dreamed up during the banking bubble, most of these novelty chess pieces were stopped dead by the recession. But now, with the global property investment industry booming and the City's vacancy rates at their lowest for 15 years, the tabletop fantasy is fast becoming reality."

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