
Until 31 Mar: OPDC Local Plan: More Than Enough Documents

North Acton station. Perhaps.

Start date: 04 February 2016
End date: 31 March 2016

Old Oak and Park Royal Development Corporation Draft Local Plan

"OPDC is consulting on the Draft Local Plan, which sets out the vision, objectives and policy options to help guide future development in the Old Oak and Park Royal area over the next 20 years. This Draft Plan is supported by a number of evidence base documents which are also form of this consultation.

"The Draft Local Plan and evidence base documents are available to view and respond to via the online engagement platform:

"You can also download documents using the links at the bottom of this page. To access hard copies or for more information on the consultation activities, please see information on the OPDC planning policy page.

Please note that the deadline for responses is midnight on Thursday 31 March 2016."
Comments can be directly made online via opdc.commonplace.is or they can be sent:

by email to:  localplan@opdc.london.gov.uk; or

by letter to: Local Plan consultation, Old Oak and Park Royal Development Corporation, City Hall, The Queen’s Walk, London, SE1 2AA

OPDC Draft Local Plan - Full Version

Draft Local Plan which sets out the vision, objectives and options to help guide the future development.

OPDC Draft Local Plan - Introduction

Chapter 1 of the Draft Local Plan

OPDC Draft Local Plan – Spatial Vision & Objectives

Chapter 2 of the Draft Local Plan

OPDC Draft Local Plan - Overarching Spatial Policies

Chapter 3 of the Draft Local Plan

OPDC Draft Local Plan - Places

Chapter 4 of the Draft Local Plan

OPDC Draft Local Plan - Sustainable Development

Chapter 5 of the Draft Local Plan

OPDC Draft Local Plan - Design

Chapter 6 of the Draft Local Plan

OPDC Draft Local Plan - Housing

Chapter 7 of the Draft Local Plan

OPDC Draft Local Plan - Employment

Chapter 8 of the Draft Local Plan

OPDC Draft Local Plan - Town Centre Uses

Chapter 9 of the Draft Local Plan

OPDC Draft Local Plan - Social Infrastructure

Chapter 10 of the Draft Local Plan

OPDC Draft Local Plan - Transport

Chapter 11 of the Draft Local Plan

OPDC Draft Local Plan - Environment and Utilities

Chapter 12 of the Draft Local Plan

OPDC Draft Local Plan - Delivery and Implementation

Chapter 13 of the Draft Local Plan

Call for Sites Form

Supporting studies summary document.

Air Quality Study

Draft supporting study to accompany the Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan consultation

Cultural Principles

Draft supporting study to accompany the Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan consultation

Decontamination Strategy

Draft supporting study to accompany the Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan consultation

Development Capacity Study

Draft supporting study to accompany the Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan consultation

Development Infrastructure Study

Supporting study to accompany the Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan

Gypsy and Travellers Accommodation Needs Assessment

Draft supporting study to accompany the Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan consultation.

Industrial Land Review

Draft supporting study to accompany the Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan consultation.

Integrated Impact Assessment

Draft supporting study to accompany the Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan consultation.

Integrated Water Management Strategy

Draft supporting study to accompany the Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan consultation.

North Acton Station Feasibility

Draft supporting study to accompany the Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan consultation.

Old Oak Decentralised Energy

Draft supporting study to accompany the Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan consultation.

Old Oak Outline Historic Area Assessment

Draft supporting study to accompany the Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan consultation.

Old Oak Strategic Transport Study

Draft supporting study to accompany the Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan consultation.

Park Royal Transport Strategy

Draft supporting study to accompany the Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan consultation.

Retail and Leisure Needs Study

Draft supporting study to accompany the Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan consultation.

Smart Strategy Interim Report

Draft supporting study to accompany the Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan consultation.

Strategic Housing Market Assessment

Draft supporting study to accompany the Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan consultation.

Waste Strategy

Draft supporting study to accompany the Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan consultation.

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