
[Reposted] Aurora Developments Limited [Guernsey company 58085, listed for strike-off in 2015 under Companies (Guernsey) Law 2008 Section 234/235]: Proposals for South Harlesden Gate, Scrubs Lane, helped by Cascade Communications

"Aurora Developments Ltd. [PO Box 635, Ground Floor, St Martins House, Le Bordage, St Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 3DS] are bringing forward proposals to develop land located on Scrubs Lane inside the eastern boundary of the Old Oak and Park Royal development opportunity area, adjacent to Saint Mary's Catholic cemetery.

"The proposals, which we have named North Kensington Gate comprise two sites, and will be some of the earliest to come forward in the new opportunity area.

"We are excited [sic] to be bringing forward proposals for these sites and are aware of the general level of interest surrounding development in the Old Oak Park Royal Development Corporation (OPDC) area. We want to introduce the project team and to present our proposals for the two sites [at 93-97A, 99-101 Scrubs Lane and 115-129A Scrubs Lane].

"We are working with OPDC to ensure that our plans for North Kensington Gate works within the OPDC's Local Plan framework and guidelines for the wider Old Oak and Park Royal area and helps to deliver the Mayor's vision for 25,500 new homes and 65,000 new jobs.

"During the pre-application process, our development team have met regularly with planning and design officers at the OPDC in order to help design a scheme for the sites which meets their aspirations to deliver the highest quality architecture in the opportunity area. We have now developed our plans to a stage at which we feel confident in presenting them to key stakeholders in advance of our wider public consultation. In order to arrange a meeting with the team, please contact Alex at Cascade Communications, who is assisting us with our stakeholder and community engagement, on 020 7871 3565 or by email consultation@cascadepr.co.uk.

Nebojsa Crnobrnja (Aurora Developments Ltd.)

North Kensington Gate North, 93-97A and 99-101 Scrubs Lane, London, NW10
Delta Holding (‘the Applicant’) intends to submit a full application for the redevelopment of 93-97A and 99- 101 Scrubs Lane (the ‘site’) to provide a new residential-led development. We write to request a Screening Opinion on behalf of the Applicant in accordance with Regulation 5(1) of the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2011 (as amended 2015) (the ’EIA Regulations’).

It is our view that the proposed development does not constitute a statutory EIA development. This is due to the size and scale of development when compared to the guidance EIA thresholds set out by the EIA regulations. To support this conclusion, and in accordance with Regulation 5(2) we enclose:

  • A plan sufficient to identify the site (attached);
  • A description of the existing site and its setting (see part a); and
  • A brief description of the nature and purpose of the development (see part b) and of its possible effects on the environment (see part d).

North Kensington Gate South, 115-129A Scrubs Lane, London, NW10

"Amec Foster Wheeler Environment & Infrastructure UK Limited (Amec Foster Wheeler) and Quod have been commissioned by Aurora Developments Limited to produce a Scoping Report for a proposed development at 115-129A Scrubs Lane, located within the Old Oak Common Opportunity Area (OOCOA), London, NW10 6QU. The Aurora Property Group wishes to construct a group of residential led mixed-use buildings of the highest quality and design which would act as a gateway to the new Opportunity Area. It is intended that the proposed development would provide an early and significant contribution to the 24,000 new homes which are anticipated within the OOCOA over the next 20 years and, specifically, the 8,600 new homes expected before 2026. The development can be delivered without the need for major infrastructure and, therefore, it can help to kick-start the investment in the OOCOA and provide early contributions towards key infrastructure and the specific need for affordable housing.

"This report has been produced to meet with the requirements of Regulation 13 of the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2011 (as amended 2015), which allows an applicant to request a scoping opinion from the Regulatory Authority/ies (in this case the Old Oak and Park Royal Development Corporation (OPDC) with respect to the environmental information that needs to be provided within an Environmental Statement (ES).

"This report provides locational and design information on the proposed development, presents a summary of baseline environmental information that has been gathered to date, for the proposed development area and the wider surrounding area and allows consideration of the likely significant environmental effects of the proposed development. The report goes on to propose which environmental topics should be assessed within any future ES and which environmental topics it is considered can be scoped out from any future assessment."

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