
Event on 19 Oct, plus: Until 28 Oct: 93-97A Scrubs Lane and 115-129A Scrubs Lane: Planning applications

Both applications:
Start date: 30 September 2016
End date: 28 October 2016

'North Kensington Gate North'

OPDC has received a planning application for the redevelopment of 93-97A Scrubs Lane, NW10 6QU, known as 'North Kensington Gate North'. The application is for the demolition of the existing building and the construction of 48 residential units with 165sqm of commercial space on the ground floor. The development is proposed in 2 adjoining buildings of 4 and 11 storeys.

Application reference number:
Site location:
The application site (outlined in red on the map below) is located on the east side of Scrubs Lane (A219) opposite the junction with Hythe Road. The site backs on to St Mary's Cemetery which is to the east.

Description of development:
Demolition of existing buildings and redevelopment of the site to provide a new building ranging from 4 storeys (16.3 metres above ground level) to 11 storeys (39.9 metres above ground level) in height, comprising 165sqm (GIA) of ground floor commercial floorspace (use class A1/A2/A3) and 48 residential units (use class C3), with landscaping and associated works.

'North Kensington Gate South'

OPDC has received a planning application for the redevelopment of 115-129A Scrubs Lane, NW10 6QU, known as ‘North Kensington Gate South’. The application is for the demolition of the existing buildings and the construction of 170 residential units and 600sqm of commercial space.

The development is proposed in 3 adjoining buildings of 6, 8 and 22 storeys. The commercial space would be provided at ground floor level and in a mezzanine floor. A basement would be excavated to provide 32 car parking spaces. A total of 308 cycle parking spaces would be provided across the site.

Application reference number:
Site location:
The application site (outlined in red on the map below) is located on the east side of Scrubs Lane (A219) and to the north of the Mitre Bridge. The site backs on to St Mary’s Cemetery which is to the east.

Description of development:
Demolition of existing buildings and redevelopment of the site to provide a new building ranging from 6 storeys (25.1 metres above ground level) to 22 storeys (79.9 metres above ground level) in height over a new excavated basement, comprising 600sqm (GIA) of ground floor commercial floorspace (use class A1/A2/A3/B1a) and 170 residential units (use class C3), with basement car parking and plant space, landscaping and associated works.

Consultation deadline:
5.00pm on 28 October 2016

Contact details:
Call us on 020 5783 5732 or email

Further information:

The planning application documents can be viewed on the OPDC Planning Register. Please search using the application reference numbers above.

OPDC will be hosting a public presentation event on Wednesday 19 October 2016 at The Co-Club, 140 Wales Farm Road, North Acton, W3 6UG between 6.30pm – 8.00pm.

The event will be chaired by OPDC officers and will include a presentation of the proposals by the Applicant followed by a question and answer session. The presentation is free to attend but spaces will be limited and attendance will be on a first come first served basis.

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