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Regeneration+Renewal: "Boris poised to launch Old Oak Common Development Corporation"

Link to Regeneration+Renewal

"The 2011 Localism Act gave the mayor the ability to create mayoral development corporations (MDCs), with powers including planning controls. ...

Yesterday, Sir Edward Lister, his chief of staff and deputy mayor for planning, told Planning that the possibility of creating a special delivery vehicle for the Old Oak Common area was being 'actively discussed' with the four boroughs that it falls into: Kensington & Chelsea, Ealing, Hammersmith & Fulham and Brent.

"Speaking at the Mipim property conference in the south of France, Lister said that, although the possibility of the sort of partnership structure employed in Nine Elms was also being considered, 'it was all pointing towards a development corporation'.

"In addition to an MDC’s planning powers, he said the vehicle would also need enterprise zone status, so that it could collect business rates to fund infrastructure investment. He said that the boroughs were 'all up for the discussion' about an MDC.

"The plan is that Old Oak Common station will act as an interchange between the new Crossrail line linking east and west London, and the High Speed 2 line linking London to the north.

Lister said that it would 'be as busy as Waterloo station'. He said that 'a new city' of 20,000 homes and bringing 50,000 jobs could be built on the site, which was roughly the same size as the Olympic Park and largely in public ownership." [Let's have a MDC at Brent Cross Cricklewood as well, then.]

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