
High Speed 2 - News Update

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"From Doug Oakervee CBE, Chairman of HS2 Ltd"

Welcome to our first HS2 News Update

"It is now six months since Justine Greening, the Secretary of State for Transport announced the government's decision to go ahead with plans for a new high speed rail line between London and the West Midlands and on to Manchester and Leeds.

"Since my appointment in March as Chairman of HS2 Ltd, I have seen at first hand the commitment of the HS2 team to tackling this challenging project and achieving a result that fairly balances the wider economic needs of the country as a whole with the local and very understandable concerns of communities along the railway's route.

"We at HS2 Ltd are all committed to ensuring that the design process takes full account of how different areas will be affected by the proposed line of route. This bulletin is the first in a series of updates, designed to keep you informed about the steps we have taken so far and activities that are currently under way, and give an outline of what will be happening next. We've also included a reminder of how to get in touch with us.

"Whilst I am personally enthusiastic about the tremendous potential that HS2 can offer to many people across the UK, I am determined to ensure that we are as clear as possible about both benefits and impacts of the project."

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