
Sunday Telegraph: "HS2 route should be moved to M40 corridor, says high speed rail expert"

"One of the architects of Britain’s first high-speed railway has attacked the route of the Government’s HS2 £32 billion train link between London and Birmingham [sic], claiming ministers are 'obsessed with speed'."

Link to Sunday Telegraph

"Mark Bostock, the engineer who drew up the route of the Channel Tunnel rail link 20 years ago, said the Government is disregarding many of the lessons from the high-speed train link between Dover and London.

"... The engineer, who worked for the engineering group Arup for 20 years, has devised an HS2 route which would have a station close to Heathrow Airport and the Great West Railway [sic] — allowing passengers to connect quickly to international flights and trains to Wales and the west country."

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