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2015 Autumn Spending Review: Land transfer from grubby hands of Network Rail

"1.252: The Autumn Statement and Spending Review supports local Growth Strategies to ensure that areas benefit as much as possible from HS2, enabling regeneration around stations and the improvement of connections to HS2 stations. This includes support for development around the new HS2 stations at Old Oak Common and Birmingham Curzon Street.

"1.271: ... Support includes ... bringing together the publicly-owned land around the Old Oak Common HS2 station into single control."
The fully monty

HS2 Ltd. plans for Euston Station


GetBucks: "Council leaders urge government to protect rail line from HS2" [at Old Oak Common]
Link to web site

"Leaders of councils representing Bucks have hit out at plans to close a rail line in the county because of HS2.

The HS2 hybrid bill, which lays out the plans for the development of the first phase of HS2, would involve closing the High Wycombe Single Line (HWSL) which links parts of Bucks with London.

"In a letter to the Secretary of State for Transport, Patrick McLoughlin, the leaders of five councils in Bucks say:
"This would ensure that Buckinghamshire residents, who otherwise might be said to be amongst those most negatively affected by the Bill proposals, are able to benefit from the HS2 scheme.”

The HWSL is a route that we consider of great importance to the long-term economic prospects of the communities we represent."


The OAPF Part Works (The separate installments can be bound together in an attractive binder you can cherish for years to come)

"The Old Oak and Park Royal Opportunity Area Planning Framework (OAPF) was adopted by the Mayor on 4th November 2015. The OAPF is Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) to the Mayor’s London Plan (2015). The framework has been produced by the Greater London Authority with contributions from Old Oak and Park Royal Development Corporation (OPDC), Transport for London and the London Boroughs of Brent, Ealing and Hammersmith & Fulham.

"The framework sets out an ambitious vision and planning guidance to capitalise on future transport improvements to deliver transformative change at Old Oak, regeneration of Park Royal and continue the protection of Wormwood Scrubs.

"The adopted Opportunity Area Planning Framework and its supporting documents are available on the below links."

Old Oak and Park Royal Opportunity Area Planning Framework

The document has also been split into individual contents sections:
0. Foreword

1. Introduction

2. Vision and Objectives

3. Land use strategy

4. Design strategy

5. Old Oak strategy

6. Park Royal strategy

7. Wormwood Scrubs strategy

8. Transport strategy

9. Environment strategy

10. Delivery strategy

Appendix 1 - Contextual Analysis

Supporting documents

The final supporting documents for the OAPF will be uploaded in this section w/c 16 October. [sic.]

Related documents [Are these the 'final supporting documents?]

I-Spy on Grand Union Street [sic]

Can you spot:
  • the flying delivery drone?
  • the translucent bus stop screen?
  • the robot? (clue: it's hiding a bit!)
  • the weird bicycles?
  • the lack of segregated cycle paths?

Just Space: "Vision for the next London Plan"

Link to web site

"The Just Space network of community groups and London-wide organisations works to influence London’s strategic planning document, The London Plan, and today issues a set of 'key demands' which will form the basis of more detailed Community Visions for the next London Plan

"... Just Space Co-ordinator, Richard Lee said:
"While the Mayor's staff are preparing their new version of London's strategic planning document that will affect the lives of all Londoners, Just Space groups have seized the initiative and are putting forward ideas of what local people want to see included.

For too long, London’s planning system has failed to deliver for Londoners on issues such as air pollution and inequalities, has not developed a rounded economy, and has failed to tackle the affordable housing crisis. Local people are demanding a better future for London and all Londoners."


HS2: the human cost of Britain’s most expensive ever rail project

Link to web site

"Prideaux and his wife live in a low-ceilinged farmhouse to which they moved so their son and his family could reside in their spacious old hall. Prideaux was smartly turned out in a blue checked shirt, red tank top and mustard cords, but drove me around his 1,400 acres in a middle-aged Subaru estate with tattered newspapers in the footwell. HS2 will pretty much divide his land down the middle. One of his two tenant farms will cease to be economically viable. He will lose farm buildings and a lodge.

" 'In an estate agent’s patter, it's "a fine rural location" and all that sort of garbage,' he said. The new line will pass shudderingly close to the hall, which is listed as Grade II* – the most protected category of building. 'It's an architectural mix-up of Elizabethan, Jacobean and William & Mary. Everybody’s had a go at it,' he said, which did not really do justice to the gracefully proportioned house. He then added: 'It's one of the three or four most important houses on the line between London and Birmingham'."


The Old Oak and Park Royal Development Corporation (OPDC): Opportunity Area Planning Framework (OAPF): The Full Monty (FM)

"The Old Oak and Park Royal Development Corporation's planning framework, to deliver 25,500 new homes and 65,000 jobs at Old Oak and Park Royal, was approved and adopted by the Mayor of London on 4 November 2015. 

"Earlier this year, the Mayor published the framework document for consultation, and following a process of fine-tuning working with London boroughs, partners and strategic stakeholders, the OPDC Board and now the Mayor has approved the document to inform the strategic planning direction for the area. 

"The Opportunity Area Planning Framework (OAPF) aims to:
  • Capitalise on the new HS2, Crossrail and National Rail interchange to regenerate the area and contribute significantly to London’s competitiveness
  • Create a new urban neighbourhood at Old Oak, supporting a minimum of 24,000 new homes and an additional 1,500 in non-industrial locations in Park Royal
  • Support the creation of 55,000 new jobs at Old Oak and a further 10,000 at Park Royal
  • Protect and enhance Park Royal as a strategic industrial location
  • Ensure new development safeguards nearby amenity assets such as Wormwood Scrubs and the Grand Union Canal
  • Work with communities, residents and businesses to realise the strategy."

HS2 Independent Design Panel announced

10 November 2015

"High Speed Two (HS2) today takes another step from drawing board to reality with the appointment of a new independent design panel that will support HS2 in realising its aim of applying the best design principles to all its work.

"The Panel, chaired by Sadie Morgan, will be the project’s independent advisor, helping it to deliver on its key design principles around People, Place and Time.

"Experts in design fields including: urban; landscape; EDI (Equality, Diversity and Inclusion) ; digital; brand and product will work alongside internationally-renowned architects; sustainability experts and engineering specialists to help guide HS2’s development.

"Speaking as the Independent Design Panel is launched, Sadie Morgan said:
"I am delighted that we’re now up and running with the HS2 Independent Design Panel. Our aim is to mentor and inspire HS2 to design a transformational railway system which will exceed all of our expectations.

The British creative and engineering industry is already delivering outstanding examples of design excellence around the world. HS2 is a huge opportunity to bring that brilliance home."
Welcoming the Independent Design Panel’s formation, Transport Minister Robert Goodwill said:
"This Independent Design Panel is crucial to ensure HS2 achieves its full potential for everyone. This includes making sure that passengers get the experience they want from HS2 and that it is sympathetic to the landscape through which it is built.

We want HS2 to be a world class railway which maximises the benefits for the country. Having such a highly-skilled group of experts on board will help make travelling on it easy and pleasurable and ensure we have impressive stations to act as a catalyst for significant regeneration and economic growth."
HS2 Ltd chief executive, Simon Kirby said:
"I'm delighted the Independent Design Panel has now been formed. It’s a mark of HS2’s significance that it’s attracted such a wealth of talent to help us deliver this transformational piece of infrastructure for the nation. Forty five experts will form the independent design panel team, contributing to the project’s development in areas where their specialist experience and opinion is required."
"Members from this group will form part of the regional site-specific design panels, for example at Birmingham Curzon Street station so that the whole project benefits from the skills and expertise now available.

"Cementing the principles of the Design Vision so early in HS2’s development will help it to play a key role in rebalancing the economy through delivering the benefits that flow from investing in Britain’s new high speed rail network.

"Success resulting from early implementation of a far-sighted design approach can be seen at London’s Olympic Park, where design and development focused on the Games' legacy and the long-term development and sustainability of the site."


A missing West London Line railway viaduct in the distance, a robot dog, a delivery drone, and a weird bicycle back wheel

"Plans are afoot to transform a swathe of industrial West London wasteland into a huge new urban area where 'people will aspire to live, work and play'.

"Exciting new details have emerged about the 30-year development scheme for Old Oak and Park Royal Common; conceived as the UK's largest regeneration project with around 1.35sq km (0.52sq miles) of available space.

"CLAD [Community of Leisure Architects & Designers -link] understands that theatre companies, museums and sports and leisure firms will be among those invited to develop a cultural and sporting hub in the area. This will create balance with cultural developments in east London; including the Olympicopolis scheme – which incorporates the Olympic Stadium, ArcelorMittal Orbit and London Aquatics Centre.

"The Old Oak and Park Royal Development Corporation (OPDC), established in April, has been tasked by Mayor of London Boris Johnson with overseeing the planning of the project. The site will capitalise on the UK's development of the High Speed 2 and Crossrail transport network to become a thriving new district within the capital.

"In an exclusive interview with CLAD, OPDC’s head of planning policy, Tom Cardis, said:
"This is the most exciting development in London. We’ve been working with colleagues in the Greater London Authority to look at where the next key growth areas are for the expansion of London's cultural offerings. We're developing a cultural vision which will inform our broader Local Plan for the area and set out how OPDC can strengthen London's position as the cultural capital of the world.

We think it makes sense to do that in Old Oak and Park Royal; the biggest development site in the country."
"The development of Old Oak and Park Royal Common is centred around a new transport hub the size of Waterloo which will be lined with Crossrail and HS2. Around 250,000 people will use the station every day when it opens in 2026. From here it will take eight minutes to reach Heathrow Airport and 38 minutes to travel to Birmingham; Britain's second-largest city. A future tunnel link could also connect the station with Paris.

"Cardis predicts that the development has the capacity to generate 65,000 new jobs and 25,500 new homes. He said:
"It's an entirely new urban area we're creating. As a consequence, it can take big cultural uses, which could be focused along our new High Street and around the Grand Union Canal to the north of the site near Willesden Junction.

We've thought a lot about how we can make the best use of this canal-side space in the future high-density development. People are very drawn to water and we want to make this area the best it can be as a high-quality leisure and cultural focus in the scheme. It has the potential to be a really nice breathing space in a fantastic environment, with restaurants, cafes and some pretty big cultural spaces."
"Cardis also told CLAD that OPDC are working with a health consultant in their planning for the site and have applied for recognition of the development as a 'Healthy New Town' – a National Health Service initiative to celebrate urban areas that "support social cohesion, physical and mental wellbeing, walking cycling and sports in place of our current 'obesogenic' built environments".

"Smart technology will also be integrated in the wider development to 'future-proof' the area. Driverless cars, ticketless travel and smart parking are all elements being considered in the project's early planning stages.

"OPDC will be consulting on their Local Plan in the new year. It will be accompanied by its cultural vision for the area. CLAD understands approval is not expected to follow until 2017 at the earliest.

"The planning framework has been approved by Johnson, who says the scheme – which covers the London boroughs of Hammersmith and Fulham, Brent and Ealing – could make a £7bn (US$10.5bn, €9.8bn) annual contribution to the UK economy."


Old Oak Common: How 'radial and alternative'?

Link to 'The Independent'

"A 'vertical village' in Singapore has been named the World Building of the Year.

"... 'The project presents an alternative way of thinking about developments which might otherwise become generic tower clusters.'

"The building contains 31 'stacked' residential blocks six stories tall. Swimming pools, tennis courts, gardens and roof terraces are also featured in the village.

"Other awards included the Future Project of the year award which was given to Vancouver House in Canada; the silhouette of which is said to resemble 'a curtain being drawn aside'."


"London Mayor gives planning strategy for Old Oak and Park Royal the green light" (although the actual Opportunity Area Planning Framework document is nowhere to be seen)

"A planning framework which will deliver more than 25,500 new homes and create up to 65,000 jobs at Old Oak and Park Royal has been approved and adopted by the Mayor of London.

"Old Oak in West London is set to become a new home to a world-class High Speed 2 (HS2) and Crossrail Station by 2026, handling 250,000 passengers a day and acting as a super-hub between London and the rest of the UK, Europe and the world [and the Solar System, and the Galaxy, and the Universe].

"The Mayor believes this presents the opportunity to create tens of thousands of new homes and could provide almost 14 per cent of Greater London’s employment needs up to 2031, with early estimates of a £7bn annual contribution to the UK economy.

"The Old Oak and Park Royal Development Corporation was launched by the Mayor in April and will drive the planning and regeneration of the site that straddles the London boroughs of Hammersmith & Fulham, Brent and Ealing.

"Earlier this year, the Mayor published an Opportunity Area Planning Framework for consultation, which sets out his long-term vision for the area. Following the conclusion of that consultation, the Mayor has now approved the document which sets the strategic planning direction for the area.

"Sir Edward Lister, Deputy Mayor for Planning and Chairman of the Old Oak and Park Royal Development Corporation, said:
"London urgently needs new homes and commercial space to meet its ever-growing population and there can be no doubt that the regeneration of Old Oak represents a real opportunity to meet those needs. This strategy will mean we can plan for the future of this vast site as we work to create a new, thriving and sustainable part of the capital, where people will love to live, work, play and visit."
"The planning framework aims to:
  • Create a new urban neighbourhood at Old Oak, supporting a minimum of 24,000 new homes with an additional 1,500 in non-industrial locations in Park Royal.
  • Plan for the new High Speed 2/Crossrail and National Rail interchange to regenerate the area and contribute significantly to London’s competitiveness
  • Support the creation of 55,000 new jobs at Old Oak and a further 10,000 at Park Royal
  • Protect and enhance Park Royal as a strategic industrial location
  • Ensure new development safeguards nearby amenity assets such as Wormwood Scrubs and the Grand Union Canal
  • Work with communities, residents and businesses to realise the strategy.
"The Mayor has identified 38 Opportunity Areas across the capital. Opportunity Areas are London's major source of brownfield land with significant capacity for new housing, commercial and other development linked to existing or potential improvements to public transport accessibility. By establishing Opportunity Areas, and working closely with London boroughs and partner agencies, the Mayor will be best able to deliver significant social and economic regeneration."

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