
[Reposted] Thu 21 and Sat 23 April 2016: Aurora Developments: North Kensington / South Harlesden Gate: 25-storey residential tower

"PSP-FARMAN Holding [ultimate owner of Guernsey-based Aurora Developments Ltd.] was founded in 1997 due to the merger of two investment and building structures:
  • PSP, one of the first Russian commercial construction companies, operating since 1987
  • FARMAN ENGINIRING Europian company, operating in the Russian market since 1991.
"Today, PSP-FARMAN Holding is a multifunctional construction organization with well-organized structure of subdivisions, which applies the most advanced forms of management and production at all stages of project implementation:
  • Turning ideas into business projects, accomplishing prior calculations and obtaining necessary approvals.
  • Negotiating with financial institutions in order to attract funding.
  • Provision of a full range of design works with own Design Department, passing the state examination and issuance of documentation.
  • Performing a package of design work applying to the objects of historical and cultural heritage.
  • Highly accurate 3D laser scanning of buildings.
  • Serving as a general contractor of construction, installation and finishing works with own production capacity.
  • Restoration works.
  • Serving as a technical customer.
  • Advanced engineering equipment and finishing materials purchase from around the world, delivery and temporary storage.
  • Own Aluminum Structures Department.
  • Own production of wooden, plastic and artificial stone interior elements.
  • Managing the whole process of project implementation with BEXEL (5D) software which lets consolidate and monitor the work of all services and be transparent to the customers.
"PSP-FARMAN Holding Group is a team of experienced specialists from Russia, Serbia, Belgium, Italy, Germany and Israel.

"The total number of completed projects of the Holding is more than 200 objects including banks, office, public and residential buildings, commercial and industrial centres, sports centres and transport infrastructure, that occupies a total area of over 1.5 million square meters.

"PSP-FARMAN Holding is among the major real estate developer of Moscow and Russia. There are Holding’s offices in Moscow, Kiev, Belgrade, Brussels, Geneva and Trieste."
Presidents' message
"PSP-FARMAN Holding includes several Russian and European enterprises with their unique knowledge, experience and reputations.

"We have made up our minds to become a leader in construction operations in the real estate market since our first day, and we have been proving our leadership for 20 years now. Having created flexible and universal infrastructure in order to control and optimize all stages of our business process, we are eager to face challenging projects, working out the most creative ways to realize them.

"High professionalism and responsibility of our staff, absolute transparency in relations with our partners and unconditional fulfillment of all our obligations allow us to construct office and industry buildings for internationally famous companies; hotels and shopping centers operated by leading chains; modern sport facilities certified by international associations and many other projects.

"We are especially proud of the fact that we have long-term relationships on a friendly basis with the majority of our clients and partners.

"Nowadays, PSP-FARMAN is a company that is able to meet the most difficult and challenging tasks."

The densities of the two sites are: 
  • 513 units per hectare on the south site
  • 462 units per hectare on the north.
There are 183 units in total.

(The top range figure in the London Plan for ‘central’ areas is 405 units per hectare and 600 in ‘exceptional' cases.)

This is the scoping document of the main, southern site:


Reuters: "Serb tycoon jailed for five years for aiding tax evasion"

Link to web site

"One of the Balkans' richest men was sentenced to five years in prison for aiding tax evasion in a landmark trial the Serbian government said would shed more light on links between businessmen and politicians dating from the 1990s.

"Miroslav Miskovic, who created an insurance, retail and real estate empire during the collapse of Yugoslavia and Serbia's subsequent emergence from international isolation, was arrested in 2012 on charges of fraud and tax evasion.

"... His Delta Holding company employs more than 4,000 people and in 2015 had a turnover of 53 billion dinars (334.84 million pound)."

[Reposted] Aurora Developments Limited [Guernsey company 58085, listed for strike-off in 2015 under Companies (Guernsey) Law 2008 Section 234/235]: Proposals for South Harlesden Gate, Scrubs Lane, helped by Cascade Communications

"Aurora Developments Ltd. [PO Box 635, Ground Floor, St Martins House, Le Bordage, St Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 3DS] are bringing forward proposals to develop land located on Scrubs Lane inside the eastern boundary of the Old Oak and Park Royal development opportunity area, adjacent to Saint Mary's Catholic cemetery.

"The proposals, which we have named North Kensington Gate comprise two sites, and will be some of the earliest to come forward in the new opportunity area.

"We are excited [sic] to be bringing forward proposals for these sites and are aware of the general level of interest surrounding development in the Old Oak Park Royal Development Corporation (OPDC) area. We want to introduce the project team and to present our proposals for the two sites [at 93-97A, 99-101 Scrubs Lane and 115-129A Scrubs Lane].

"We are working with OPDC to ensure that our plans for North Kensington Gate works within the OPDC's Local Plan framework and guidelines for the wider Old Oak and Park Royal area and helps to deliver the Mayor's vision for 25,500 new homes and 65,000 new jobs.

"During the pre-application process, our development team have met regularly with planning and design officers at the OPDC in order to help design a scheme for the sites which meets their aspirations to deliver the highest quality architecture in the opportunity area. We have now developed our plans to a stage at which we feel confident in presenting them to key stakeholders in advance of our wider public consultation. In order to arrange a meeting with the team, please contact Alex at Cascade Communications, who is assisting us with our stakeholder and community engagement, on 020 7871 3565 or by email consultation@cascadepr.co.uk.

Nebojsa Crnobrnja (Aurora Developments Ltd.)

North Kensington Gate North, 93-97A and 99-101 Scrubs Lane, London, NW10
Delta Holding (‘the Applicant’) intends to submit a full application for the redevelopment of 93-97A and 99- 101 Scrubs Lane (the ‘site’) to provide a new residential-led development. We write to request a Screening Opinion on behalf of the Applicant in accordance with Regulation 5(1) of the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2011 (as amended 2015) (the ’EIA Regulations’).

It is our view that the proposed development does not constitute a statutory EIA development. This is due to the size and scale of development when compared to the guidance EIA thresholds set out by the EIA regulations. To support this conclusion, and in accordance with Regulation 5(2) we enclose:

  • A plan sufficient to identify the site (attached);
  • A description of the existing site and its setting (see part a); and
  • A brief description of the nature and purpose of the development (see part b) and of its possible effects on the environment (see part d).

North Kensington Gate South, 115-129A Scrubs Lane, London, NW10

"Amec Foster Wheeler Environment & Infrastructure UK Limited (Amec Foster Wheeler) and Quod have been commissioned by Aurora Developments Limited to produce a Scoping Report for a proposed development at 115-129A Scrubs Lane, located within the Old Oak Common Opportunity Area (OOCOA), London, NW10 6QU. The Aurora Property Group wishes to construct a group of residential led mixed-use buildings of the highest quality and design which would act as a gateway to the new Opportunity Area. It is intended that the proposed development would provide an early and significant contribution to the 24,000 new homes which are anticipated within the OOCOA over the next 20 years and, specifically, the 8,600 new homes expected before 2026. The development can be delivered without the need for major infrastructure and, therefore, it can help to kick-start the investment in the OOCOA and provide early contributions towards key infrastructure and the specific need for affordable housing.

"This report has been produced to meet with the requirements of Regulation 13 of the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2011 (as amended 2015), which allows an applicant to request a scoping opinion from the Regulatory Authority/ies (in this case the Old Oak and Park Royal Development Corporation (OPDC) with respect to the environmental information that needs to be provided within an Environmental Statement (ES).

"This report provides locational and design information on the proposed development, presents a summary of baseline environmental information that has been gathered to date, for the proposed development area and the wider surrounding area and allows consideration of the likely significant environmental effects of the proposed development. The report goes on to propose which environmental topics should be assessed within any future ES and which environmental topics it is considered can be scoped out from any future assessment."

Bing Maps

Evening Standard: "Old Oak Common: £10 billion plan for ‘Canary Wharf of West’ to be reviewed by City Hall"

Link to web site

"A review of the £10 billion redevelopment of 'the Canary Wharf of the West' has been ordered amid concerns that it could fall short on delivering affordable housing for the capital.

"Sadiq Khan has appointed a senior 'director level' official at the Greater London Authority to head a two-month evaluation of the Old Oak and Park Royal Development Corporation.

"The corporation was created last year by previous mayor Boris Johnson to oversee the transformation of the sprawling railway lands and industrial estates at Old Oak Common."

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