In addition to the council's 'Issues and Options Consulation' mentioned below, it has given this extra information about a possible Kensal Crossrail station:
"The design envisaged is for one island with two platform faces, with two lines north of the platforms, and two lines to the south of them. This would allow trains not calling at the Portobello station to bypass it on the outer tracks. Trains calling at Portobello would use either platform.
The station would not be served by the fast lines.
The Council has not been told that it must provide additional Crossrail trains if a station were to be built. Crossrail is revising its operating timetable to take account of developments such as the electrification of the GWML, but on the basis of the currently available timetable, our station proposal includes only those trains that would either be taken to the depot after terminating at Paddington, or laying over at Westbourne Park for relatively long periods. It has been suggested by officials that some of these trains would not in fact exist following a 'rolling stock optimisation' exercise, but to our knowledge this exercise has not been conducted, and would appear to have been superseded by the work to devise a new timetable.
"Cabinet decided that the station should be referred to as 'Portobello Crossrail' at a Council meeting a couple of months ago, so this has replaced 'Kensal Crossrail' in Crossrail material the Council puts out. However, we do still refer to the 'Kensal site' and the 'Kensal Gas Works' when speaking about location."
Kensal Gasworks Strategic
Site - Issues and Options Consultation
An Issues and Options consultation
containing our early thoughts on the possible development
opportunities for the Kensal Gasworks Strategic Site has been
issued for public consultation.
This paper looks at three options for the sort
place that might be created in Kensal in the future. These
are only indicative of the kind of development that might
come forward but looks at the possible number of new homes and jobs
and the facilities that could be provided on the site.
The Consultation period is between Tuesday 12
June 2012 and Tuesday 24 July 2012. The paper is available for
comment below, together with the Regeneris reports into the
possible regeneration and economic benefits that would be realised
through a Crossrail station in North Kensington.
A discussion workshop for the Issues and Options paper for the
Kensal Gasworks Strategic Site will take place on Wednesday 11 July
at 6pm at Canalside House, 383 Ladbroke Grove, W10 5AA.
Please RSVP if you plan to attend so that we
can make the appropriate provisions. This can be done by
telephoning the Planning Policy hotline on 0207 361 3879, or by
sending an email to:
For more on the Council’s case for Crossrail and information
about how you can lend your support, please visit
A Sustainability Appraisal (SEA/SA) was
prepared for the Core Strategy in October 2009. The Kensal
Strategic Site was appraised in this report which is available