
AECOM to be OPDC's Old Oak Masterplanner

"Following an OJEU-compliant [that's COMPLIANT, not COMPLAINT!] procurement process, the seven short-listed bids have been evaluated and the preferred bidder is AECOM.

The objectives of the Old Oak masterplanning contract are:

  • To create a masterplan that is deliverable and reflects the quality and sustainability aspirations set out in the OPDC draft Local Plan and supporting studies.
  • To create a masterplan that will establish a new benchmark for successful long-term placemaking in Old Oak, west London.
  • To establish an overarching approach for the delivery of the Old Oak area shared by partners and stakeholders, which delivers social and economic benefits for local communities.
  • To inform OPDC planning policy.

Forecasted timeline and key milestones:

  • OJEU Standstill period — 12-22 May 2017
  • Contract start and mobilisation — May/June 2017
  • Visioning and baseline analysis — Summer 2017
  • Longlist, shortlist options (incl. engagement with stakeholders) — Autumn 2017
  • Preferred option refinement, first draft strategies — Early 2018
  • Final deliverables: spatial masterplan, phasing, transport, commercial and residential strategies — Spring 2018

The Old Oak masterplanning contract will allow for:

  • Greater certainty for landowners, investors and stakeholders on how and when the area will be developed.
  • The development of a clear delivery strategy, funding and financing strategy, land assembly strategy and business plan for OPDC as a future landowner.
  • Clarity and consensus on what key site wide infrastructure is needed and where it would be located to allow for procurement and investment.
  • A site wide approach to development, creating synergies between different landowners schemes.

Background on OPDC and scale of opportunity

"Old Oak and Park Royal is London’s largest Opportunity Area with a new High Speed 2 (HS2) and Crossrail Station due to be constructed at Old Oak by 2026.

"Redevelopment of the area has the potential to deliver 24,000 new homes and 55,000 jobs in Old Oak and 1,500 new homes and 10,000 jobs on the adjoining Park Royal industrial estate.

"OPDC was established in April 2015 to drive forward future development plans for the wider area.

"OPDC has full planning powers within its 650 hectare boundary that includes land in the boroughs of Hammersmith & Fulham, Ealing and Brent."


OPDC: Neighbourhood Plans

Old Oak Neighbourhood Forum and Area consultations

The London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham Council (LBHF) and the Old Oak and Park Royal Development Corporation (OPDC) have received a joint application to designate the Old Oak Neighbourhood Planning Forum and the Old Oak Neighbourhood Area. If successfully designated, a Forum can develop a Neighbourhood Plan for their area.

Neighbourhood Plans

Neighbourhood Plans are community-led documents to shape and guide development in the area. Once adopted a Neighbourhood Plan becomes part of the planning framework alongside the Local Plan. This means that the policies in the plan will be used to help decide whether planning applications in the area are acceptable or not.. Both authorities have assessed the joint application and are satisfied it meets the statutory requirements in the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 and the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

What does this mean for you?

We are seeking your comments on whether the proposed Neighbourhood Forum represents the different sections of the local community and whether the proposed Neighbourhood Area boundary is appropriate.

Have your say

The Old Oak Neighbourhood Forum and Area application document can be viewed online And can be viewed at: Duty Planner Room, 1st Floor Hammersmith Town Hall Extension, King Street, Hammersmith W6 9JU City Hall, The Queen’s Walk, More London Riverside, London SE1 2AA


There will also be a presentation event, to explain the role and remit of neighbourhood planning and further details about the proposed boundary and forum, on Wednesday 10 May, 7.00-8.00pm, at The Co-Club, The Perfume Factory, 140 Wales Farm Road W3 6UG. Please contact the below email or postal address if you would like to attend. 

Let us know what you think by 5.00pm on 15 June 2017

Any comments should be sent to: oldoaknf@london.gov.uk by 5.00pm 15 June 2017 or in writing to: Neighbourhood Planning, Old Oak and Park Royal Development Corporation, City Hall, The Queen's Walk, More London Riverside, London SE1 2AA. Please provide your name and postcode details as part of your response.

Next steps

Following the consultation, both authorities will decide whether to designate the area as proposed or with amendments, giving consideration to the consultation responses and to the appropriateness of the neighbourhood area. The authorities will also decide whether to designate the neighbourhood forum, giving consideration to consultation responses and factors such as how widely the membership is drawn (including different places and different sections of the community) and how the purpose of the group generally reflects the character of the area.

Further details on the role and function of neighbourhood planning and considerations for the appropriateness of neighbourhood areas and forums can be found online.

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