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Consultation until 31 Oct 2014: "London Infrastructure Plan 2050"

"The Mayor launches London’s first long-term infrastructure plan. This is a consultation about London’s growth and how we can make the city better for everyone"

Link to consultation web site
(one of the documents is shown below)

"Infrastructure is fundamental to every Londoner, every day, from turning on the taps in the morning, to travelling to work, to switching off the lights at night.

"This [set of documents] sets out what infrastructure London requires. It is the first ever strategic attempt to set out London’s infrastructure needs, how much it might cost and how we pay for our needs. The aim is to better prepare for growth by overcoming today’s problems and bringing fresh thinking into delivering the infrastructure the city needs in order to also reap its benefits.

"By its very nature, infrastructure underpins everything you do. You make London and we want to hear from you. Let us know what you think by completing the consultation questions by 31 October 2014."


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