
OPDC: Place Review Group

"To help fulfil OPDC's aspirations to deliver development at a scale that is significant for both the London and the UK economy, we established a Place Review Group in 2015. This group has provided 'critical friend' advice to the OPDC as the planning policy framework and implementation plan for Old Oak and Park Royal have been taken forward.

"The OPDC Place Review Group brings together leading professionals, working at the highest level in their fields and is made up of 22 panel members, including the Chair." 

"The Place Review Group, now managed by Frame Projects on behalf of OPDC, operates as a panel of nationally and internationally recognised practitioners with a broad range of expertise and experience who will review and provide independent advice to OPDC on a range of planning applications, masterplans and other projects within Old Oak and Park Royal.#

"The Group aims to support OPDC in achieving high quality, innovative and sustainable placemaking and will play an advisory role by providing impartial advice to the OPDC Planning Committee and OPDC Board for consideration. 

"Experts from the planning, landscape, architecture, conservation and engineering industry make up the Group, including Peter Bishop, Professor of Urban Design at UCL and Director at Allies and Morrison, who is appointed Panel Chair. Peter held senior planning roles in central London boroughs for 25 years, working on major projects such as the King’s Cross railway lands development. He was the first Director of Design for London, and Deputy Chief Executive at the London Development Agency where he worked on the London Olympic Legacy Plans.

"The Place Review Group will operate in accordance with the 10 design review principles jointly agreed by Design Council CABE, the Landscape Institute, RTPI and RIBA."

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