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Cargiant: Question to the Mayor, from Onkar Sahota AM

Old Oak Common - Car Giant Public Consultation

Mayor's Question Time
Wednesday, 15 July 2015
Question 2015/2369
Main question
Onkar Sahota

"Were the prominent roles played by GLA staff in the promotional materials for Car Giant's proposals for the Old Oak Common Mayoral Development Corporation sanctioned by the GLA, and does the Mayor feel that given the role the GLA will play in determining the scope and ambition of the development, and the ongoing concerns residents in the area are expressing, it was appropriate?"
Written answer from the Mayor
"GLA and OPDC would be the determining authorities for any future Car Giant planning application. Given that Car Giant own around 20 hectares of land at Old Oak, you won't be surprised to hear that both authorities are working with this key landowner to ensure an acceptable planning application is submitted for determination. Both authorities and decision makers are also very aware of the process that needs to be followed, so as not to pre-determine any planning applications. GLA and OPDC are meeting with local residents to seek their input into planning policy and will consult local residents on any planning application."

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