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Tue 1 Nov, 1.30pm: "Future Park Royal"

November 1, 2016 – Abbey Manor Conference Centre

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"Park Royal has a unique opportunity on the horizon with the  advent of the HS2/Crossrail interchange at Old Oak. Not only that but the arrival of the Old Oak and Park Royal Development Corporation (OPDC), puts Europe’s largest industrial park at the centre of the UK’s biggest regeneration project.

"This brings with it the chance  to transform the physical and business environment tangibly, whilst generating thousands more jobs in the process.  The intended intensification on Park Royal aspires to add 10,000 new jobs to the tens of thousands already there.

"OPDC exists both to grow and to protect the business environment. It aims to strengthen Park Royal, and is drafting visions, plans and policies that aim to do just that for the area.

"We’d like to invite you to an event that gives you the  opportunity to take part in the formation of those plans in a significant and meaningful way.

"The event is free to attend for qualifying companies."

Issues Exchange and more

At the event, we’ll host an ‘issues wall’, which is an actively moderated space where delegates can post any issues and thoughts, and then other delegates can react by adding notes, discussions, comments and other contributions. Over the course of the afternoon the wall will build in to a live ‘heat map’ of the important issues and generate a depth and breadth of understanding around the issues raised.

Questions we’ll be asking on the day include: What should OPDC be doing? Have OPDC identified the key interventions? How can we build a great community?

There will also be a chance to view a gallery of plans and ideas, and the Old Oak and Park Royal model, and a small exhibition featuring stands from local colleges and councils

1.30pm Registration, refreshments, and networkingIssues Exchange: What should OPDC be doing?

2pm Welcome from the chair

2.05pm Vision: Old Oak & Park Royal – Victoria Hills, CEO, OPDC
An overview of the whole of the OPDC planning area and vision, with insight in to the changes Park Royal can expect to see in roads, buildings, utilities, and more, and a look at the possible construction programme.

2.30pm Park Royal: Making The Difference  – Lauren Laviniere Senior Planning Officer for Park Royal, OPDC
  • We have the opportunity to make the new Park Royal an example of what can be achieved in flexible, programmed regeneration, such that it delivers a place fit for work, life, and leisure for many decades to come.
  • How can we programme for the Smart Technologies that will be common in 20, 30 and 50 years? How can we build a place with health and wellbeing embedded? How can we be sure we are learing the best lessons from around the World?
  • How can we design Future Park Royal so that it is an example of how to deliver urban regeneration now and in the future?
2.55pm Planning Park Royal – Stephie Joslin (OPDC Director of Regeneration & Partnerships)
We will take a spin through the current plans for the four key areas.
  • Infrastructure – Peter O’Dowd (OPDC Head of Infrastructure)
  • Transport – Clare Woodcock (OPDC Senior Transport Planner)
  • Skills – Lori Hoinkes (OPDC)
  • Building a strong estate team – Lori Hoinkes (OPDC)
3.30pm Coffee breakIssues Exchange: Have OPDC identified the key interventions?

4.00pm Community: Stronger Together?
We will hear from Park Royal businesses about how together we can build a stronger community on the Estate.

4.30pm Learning from elsewhere
  • Ilker Dervish (Chair of Industrial BIDs) – how industrial estates like Park Royal can and must benefit from regeneration projects. He will encourage Park Royal businesses to form a strong voice and to lobby hard for their interests
  • Garry Phillips, EHWLC – how businesses can leverage programmes from FE Colleges to meet their current and future skills needs.
  • Blackhorse Lane industrial area, plus examples of workspace creation – Pooja Agrawal from the GLA Regeneration team
  • 5pm Thanks from the chair, and close
5.15pm Drinks. Issues Exchange: How can we build a great community?

6pm Close

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